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Writer's pictureShelby O'Neil

Earth Day 2017

On Saturday, April 22nd, Jr Ocean Guardians held its first beach clean-up at Del Monte Beach in Monterey. We had the great fortune of being able to team up with Heidi from Save our Shores and combine forces. It was a great success and a lot of garbage was removed from the ocean shore. We also got to meet a lot of energetic and helpful people and we had 25 kids take the Jr Ocean Guardians pledge to help save our Ocean and Sea Life! By completing the activity book and taking the pledge, our newest Jr Ocean Guardians were awarded patches and pins.

Many thanks to Robert R. from the City of Monterey for the gloves and bags, they helped make the clean-up easy! Also a shout-out to Jessica and these 3 awesome Girl Scouts for all of your help and support, you girls rock!

Thank you very much to everyone who participated at our Earth Day beach clean-up. Jr Ocean Guardians looks forward to meeting you at our next event!


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