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Writer's pictureShelby O'Neil

#NoStrawNovember setting the #GirlScouts #G.I.R.L. Agenda and Crushed it in 2017!

Looking back at the first Jr Ocean Guardians beach clean-up on Earth Day 2017, I could have never imagined that my Girl Scout Gold Award Project would reach a global audience. I want to thank each and every person who made the commitment of refusing single-use plastic straws during #NoStrawNovember. What started out as a local movement quickly spread throughout the USA and the world, thanks to my Girl Scout Sisters, global citizens, and the many amazing environmental awareness organizations.

I'm very honored to have my Girl Scout Gold Award #NoStrawNovember project recognized by the Girl Scouts of America as one of their most amazing stories of civic action in 2017. You can reach more about #NoStrawNovember and the other recognized amazing Girl Scout projects of 2017 by clicking The G.I.R.L.s Set the Agenda and Crushed 2017.

My New Year's Resolution is to continue looking for ways to bring awareness to single-use plastic pollution. I look forward to 2018 and my "No (Plastic) Straw November Resolution, co-sponsored by the Monterey Bay Aquarium, introduction to the Senate by Senate Majority Lead William Monning. It gives me great hope that single-use plastic straws will eventually be a thing of the past.

I look forward to working with all of you on our journey to eliminate plastic pollution in 2018.


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